Knowledge Partner (KP) Membership Plans for Education Providers

Your Location

Completely Free - Single Admin - Lower Free Storage - Limited number of Learners or Trial

Plan Privileges

All LMS Features Yes
Free Video Storage 10GB

(equivalent to 50 mp4 files of average 200 MB size)

Free non-Video Storage 1GB

(equivalent to 1000 files of average 1MB size)

White Labeling - runs Directly from your Website or through your App Yes
Direct Online Payment Collection in your Bank Account Yes
Live Classes with Attendance Monitoring Yes
Built-in Quiz and Online Test Engine Yes
Your Own Marketplace Yes
Integration with 3rd Party Video Streaming Applications Yes
Integration with 3rd Party Live Class Applications Yes
Content, Data, and Business Security. Also, Security from Competition Yes
Unlimited Web Based Tech Support to you and your Learners Yes
Number of Live Education Services and Teachers Unlimited
Credit Limit Not Required
Number of Learners Limited to 100
Extra Storage No
On-Demand New Features No
Dedicated Relationship Manager No
Multiple Admins No
API Support No
Plan Membership Period 360 days by default - can be renewed any time
Usage Charges = 0
Pay-when-you-Earn - Multiple Admins - More Free Storage - More Privileges - Unlimited Use

Plan Privileges

All LMS Features Yes
Free Video Storage 50GB

(equivalent to 250 mp4 files of average 200 MB size)

Free non-Video Storage 5GB

(equivalent to 5000 files of average 1MB size)

White Labeling - runs Directly from your Website or through your App Yes
Direct Online Payment Collection in your Bank Account Yes
Live Classes with Attendance Monitoring Yes
Built-in Quiz and Online Test Engine Yes
Your Own Marketplace Yes
Integration with 3rd Party Video Streaming Applications Yes
Integration with 3rd Party Live Class Applications Yes
Content, Data, and Business Security. Also, Security from Competition Yes
Unlimited Web Based Tech Support to you and your Learners Yes
Number of Live Education Services and Teachers Unlimited
Credit Limit Yes *
Number of Learners Unlimited
Extra Storage Yes #
On-Demand New Features Yes
Dedicated Relationship Manager Yes
Multiple Admins Yes
API Support Yes
Plan Membership Period 360 days by default - can be renewed any time
Usage Charges
Applicable for learner enrollments in Priced/Internal Education Services delivered by you.
See Usage Charges section below
* At the discretion of Quampus # Extra storage charges are in Optional Services and Charges section.

Education Providers having consistently large number of learners may contact us for Customized LMS or Fully-Loaded Online Test Engine Development for Exclusive Use

Usage Charges for Unlimited Plan

Usage charges are levied on you when each learner is enrolled in any of your Priced or Internal education services. It is based on the category of education service and enrollment duration.

NO Usage Charges apply for Free Education Services

Priced or Internal Education Service delivered by you Usage Charge Rate (per Enrollment-Day)
Study-Content-Only Course USD 0.017
Basic Learning Course USD 0.050
Test-Prep Course USD 0.100
About Free, Priced, and Internal Education Services

Usage Charge Computation Calculator (USD)

More about the Free Plan

What information do we require from you when you sign up for any Plan

We do not store your credit card/debit card/net-banking or other payment instrument related details as we collect money
through reputed 3rd party service providers who are regulated by Government Regulatory bodies.

Understanding Quampus Charges and Billing Process for the Unlimited plan

Quampus Charges
No Membership Charge

There is NO Membership Charge whatsoever when you sign up for or renew the Unlimited Plan. You get all LMS features during the Membership Period.

Usage Charge

For every learner enrollment or enrollment extension in 'Priced' or 'Internal' education services. No usage charges apply for free education services.

Optional Service Charges

For optional services like extra storage activation and new feature development on demand. No charges apply for using your own gateway merchant id

All usage charge rates during the membership period remain unchanged unless they are changed unilaterally by Quampus due to unforeseen circumstances and communicated in advance by providing adequate notice period. If membership is renewed, all subsequent charges registered will be computed based on new rates, if any, and accepted during membership renewal.

Computation of Usage Charges

Every course will have a duration (called enrollment duration) specified by you, which means that a learner, when enrolled in your course, will get access of the course for this duration.

For each learner enrollment in a priced or internal course, usage charges are calculated at the time of enrollment. It is based on the usage charge rate and the duration of enrollment in each calendar month the enrollment period spans over. Charges thus calculated are registered for each month the enrollment duration covers.

More learners mean more usage charges, less learners mean less usage charges.

Usage Charge is based on enrollment duration of priced and internal education services only in Unlimited Plan

Enrollment Duration

The duration within which the learner needs to complete the education service with all prescribed activities. As a thumb rule, if you have one hour of content you must set the enrollment duration to 5 days. Needy learners can be given extensions.

Usage charge is based on this.
Content Duration

The total duration of all the contents of the education service in hours and minutes. Enrollment duration is decided on content duration. As a thumb rule, every one hour of content should result in approximately 5 days of enrollment duration.

Usage charge is NOT based on this.
Enrollment Window

The duration for which the education service is open for enrollment, i.e. learners can either enroll themselves or can be enrolled by admin during this period. This is controlled by you subject to the constraints imposed by your KP Membership validity.

Usage charge is NOT based on this.

Usage Charges get reversed on enrollment withdrawal or termination for the withdrawn/terminated portion of the enrollment period.

About free, priced and internal

Optional Services and Charges

Extra Video Storage Charge In case you exceed complementary video storage limit, it will be cost-effective to use 3rd party PRIVATE or PUBLIC video storage services.
Extra non-Video Storage Charge USD 1/GB-month

On-Demand New Feature Development

Charges as per mutual discussion and acceptance

Extra storage charge (if any) is registered for the month when extra storage is enabled. Extra storage charge is computed for the balance membership period.

On demand new feature activation charges or cancellation charges (if any) are registered in the month when they are delivered or decided respectively.

Billing Rule and Process

Any Quampus charge registered for a month cannot be modified by subsequent change in the Quampus charge rates.

The total of all charges registered for a month is billed at the beginning of the next month with applicable govt. taxes and levies added.

Pricing Rules

The month is considered as a period of 30 days for computation of charges.

Membership renewal charges as applicable at the time of renewal will be used.

Prices mentioned do not include any government taxes or levies.

Government taxes and levies, if applicable, are computed at the time of billing.

Prices mentioned are subject to change without notice.

Using payout to get back surplus money from your Quampus account

In case you have surplus money in your Quampus account, you get it back through a process called 'Payout' process after deduction of your current and future charges.

Understanding Credit Balance and Credit Limits

How does the commercial process work

What about any Hidden or Extra Charges

Quampus does not believe in keeping any cost related information hidden from you. Here is a list of situations in which you may have to pay - not to Quampus - but to the respective service providers.

Start growing your ed-tech business with Quampus

We are software technologists and education domain experts

Our core purpose is to be an innovative, end-to-end service platform for all kinds of online learning services to a global network of learning providers, learners and all other stakeholders.